Beat Burnout with a Good Night’s Sleep

Recalibrate your brain with a good night's sleep. Avoid burnout with a brain and body refresh. Sleep reduces anxiety, frustration, and gives you a chance to rebound physically and mentally from a long day.

Do you feel groggy for no apparent reason? Does your brain seem like it’s running at half-speed? Do you find yourself easily agitated, frustrated, or upset?

If you answered yes to the questions above, it might be time to recalibrate with some more sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that people of all ages get a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night. But despite this advice, 30% of Americans fail to get the proper amount of sleep. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has actually declared sleep deprivation a public health problem.

Sleep deprivation can lead to burnout, sluggishness, and exhaustion. But not getting enough sleep can also trigger or exacerbate more significant health issues such as chronic pain, high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. Without quality sleep, your cognitive abilities temporarily decline, and it can become more difficult to concentrate, remember, or retain information.

So what’s the solution?

Getting the proper amount of sleep and adhering to a regular sleep schedule are two ways to help you beat burnout and ensure that you wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated. This Monday, work towards getting your night-time routine back on track with these simple practices for better sleep.


Unplug the Electronics

As part of your nightly routine, shut down all electronic devices an hour before bed. When you stare at bright objects immediately before falling asleep, your brain is fooled into thinking that it’s actually time to wake up. Avoiding computer and phone screens before bedtime will support a more natural sleep schedule.


Focus on Breathing

To prepare your body and mind for bed, try some calming deep belly breathing exercises. Placing one hand on your belly and the other on your chest, breathe in through your nose for a count of four, expanding your belly, and exhale for a count of four.


Listen to a Guided Meditation

Guided meditations can help relax your mind and release tension throughout your body. Try this guided audio sleep aid or meditation to clear your thoughts and make falling asleep easier.


Eat the Right Foods

What we eat plays an important role in how we sleep. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and even spices contain a complex array of nutrients that all have different effects on our bodies. At night stick to simple foods like bananas, almonds, or chamomile tea, and avoid foods that are hard to digest like beans and broccoli, or are full of sugar, like candy and sweets.