Give Thanks to the Special People in Your Life with a Weekly Gratitude List

This Monday, reach out to the people in your life who make it special. Start the week by writing a gratitude list and share your positive feelings with everyone who brightens your day.

Too often we focus our attention on the things we don’t have—a bigger house, a nicer car, cuter shoes. But trying to achieve happiness through the accumulation of stuff makes us forget that we already possess all that we need to live a life of joy and fulfillment.

So how can you shift your attention away from the things you want to the things you already have?

The answer is simple—gratitude.

This Monday, start the week by writing your own gratitude list that focuses on the people who make your life special. And although writing a gratitude list only takes a few minutes, it will trigger feelings of love and thankfulness which will resonate with you throughout the week.

Okay, let’s get started:

First, dedicate a special book, journal, or notepad to maintaining your gratitude lists. This step is important because a dedicated journal will help keep you organized and preserve your lists for future reference.

Second, set a realistic goal. You don’t want to stress yourself out over your weekly gratitude list. Every Monday, try to think of a few people in your life that bring you happiness. It helps to consider different social circles, such as your immediate family, extended family, friends, colleagues, co-workers, students, etc.

Third, no computer—make sure it’s hand written. This makes the gratitude list more personal and soulful. You’ll be happy later that it’s in your own hand writing.

Fourth, get into a routine. Make every Monday your day to remind yourself of all the good people in your world. There’s no better way to start the week.