F.I.T.T. Intensity and Strength Training

F.I.T.T. Defined: Frequency, or how often you exercise. Intensity, or how hard you work. Type, or what exercise you do. Time, or how long you exercise for.

The  F.I.T.T. formula (frequency, intensity, type, and time) is a flexible exercise framework used to organize and manage your fitness routine. By altering one of the four variables, you can tailor your workout to meet specific fitness goals.

Looking to take your current exercise abilities to the next level? F.I.T.T can help with that, too.

Creating a F.I.T.T workout plan to improve your strength and stamina involves changing the intensity and time of your workouts. However, it’s important to note that before upping the intensity or length of any workout, make sure that you feel well, are used to your workout environment, and haven’t experienced any recent changes to your medical status.

For cardio workouts, taking your heart rate or using a heart rate monitor is the most reliable gauge of intensity. You can also assess your level of exertion (aka how tired you feel) by conducting your own talk test. When adding intensity to your daily walk, try increasing your pace so that you shed a minute off of your mile time. This strategy can also apply to a speed walk. When jogging, focus on increasing the amount of total time you are running rather than trying to do each mile faster.

To measure the intensity of strength training, rely less on your heart rate and more on the amount of weight you lift and the number of repetitions. Modifying the intensity of strength building exercises depends on your level of experience. Beginners looking to improve muscle stability should focus on lighter weights and more repetitions, while more experienced lifters should concentrate on increasing weight with fewer reps.

This Monday, try increasing the time and intensity of your workouts to keep up the progress.