When It Comes to Fitting in Your Walk, Get Creative

You don’t have to do your 30 minutes of daily physical activity all in one shot. Find creative ways to incorporate more walking into your normal routine.

Daily physical activity is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and it’s recommended that able-bodied adults get in at least 30 minutes of exercise—whether it be walking, jogging, running, weight training, or dance—five days a week.

But what if you don’t have a 30-minute block of time to spare? Well, you don’t have to do all your physical activity in one shot. Many times, it’s actually easier and more convenient to work in those low-intensity movements throughout the day. All it takes is a little creativity.

One of the best ways to boost your step count is to incorporate as much walking into your daily routine as possible. For example, when you’re out and about running errands, try parking farther away from the grocery store, veterinarian, shopping center, etc.; you’d be surprised how many steps you can accrue making this one tiny adjustment. A socially distanced walk with friends or family is another way to get moving. Use your next coffee date as another opportunity to get in extra steps.

Even shopping can be a source of physical activity. Save your online ordering for another week, and try going to the mall, where you can briskly move from store to store. And let’s say the weather is dark or damp or just dreary, well, there’s an easy solution — get your walk in at home. The next time you’re tidying up, preparing a meal, or streaming Netflix, consider taking an additional lap or two around the house. If you’re able to use your stairs without discomfort, go up and down a couple extra times.

This Monday, use your imagination and think about how you can effortlessly add more steps to your daily routine.