Check In Every Monday to Stay Quit

Welcome to the Quit & Stay Quit Monday Check-in. You might just be thinking about quitting or you’ve already started to take steps toward quitting. Either way, you’ve already taken an important step forward in your journey to quit smoking. We want to help you keep the momentum going, week after week.

With the Quit & Stay Quit Monday Check-in Tool, you can “check-in” every Monday to get useful tips and practices to help you regardless of where you are in your quit process. Building motivation? Feeling triggered? In need of a support buddy? We have resources for you.

Simply click a box to indicate how you’re feeling this week and hit the “check-in button” below. You’ll be provided with different suggested activities to help you address your specific quit-related challenges or successes. Experiencing multiple feelings? Check two boxes and you’ll receive multiple articles.

Give it a try. It’s fun, and who knows what you’ll uncover? Maybe you’ll find a collection of calming breathing meditations, or unique ways to deal with smoking triggers, or some mindful eating tips.

And the best part is when you return next week, you can explore new suggestions to meet you exactly where you are in your quit journey. Remember, it’s never too late to quit or recommit to your quit!