Start Your Quit this Monday with the 5-R Model for Smoking Cessation

Not all smokers are ready to quit. Misinformation, lack of confidence, or a history of previously unsuccessful attempts are enough to make someone cautious about their next attempt. This Monday, find the motivation to quit by using the 5-R Model for smoking cessation.


What is the 5-R Model for smoking cessation?

In short, it’s all about organizing and analyzing the risks of smoking and comparing them to benefits of quitting. The model also helps you identify/anticipate potential roadblocks you may encounter during your quit journey as well as reinforce the idea of repetition so you’re prepared to recommit to your quit even if get off track.



First, consider how quitting is relevant to your life and how smoking affects their job, health, and family. Writing these reasons down and keeping them in a visible or accessible place so they can be easily referenced is a good way to stay motivated.



Building on the relevance of quitting, next, write down the potential negative consequences of continued tobacco. For example, acute risks may include shortness of breath, infertility, and exacerbation of asthma, while long-term risks can range from heart attack to cardiopulmonary disease to cancer. Also consider the financial risk associated with cigarette smoking—it can be shocking to see how much money is wasted on tobacco products over a year.



After outlining the risks, shift toward the rewards of quitting smoking—and there are many: improved health, better sense of smell, more money, improved physical performance, reduced aging/skin wrinkling, and healthier babies and children are just a few of the changes that occur from quitting.



Next identify any potential barriers or obstacles preventing you from reaching your goals, and consider different types of treatment solutions. Common roadblocks may include withdrawal symptoms, fear of weight gain, or lack of support.



Every time you feel unmotivated or down, revisit the first four Rs (relevance, risks, rewards, roadblocks). It can take the average smoker a few quit attempts before they find success, so remember to recommit to your quit every Monday.