Make Monday Your Day to Quit… and Stay Quit

We support smokers with weekly tips and a check-in tool and offer a Program Enhancement Guide for tobacco cessation professionals.

Weekly Practices

Improve your chances of quitting by focusing your energy on the reasons why you are quitting. This Monday, make a list of the motivating factors that are driving you to quit smoking.
Mindful eating can help you appreciate the taste of food, reduce your risk of over eating, and help you stick to healthier eating habits as your appetite returns.
High-intensity workouts don’t require a lot of time or equipment, but they do offer an escape from daily stressors. This Monday, replace cigarettes with jabs and jumping jacks.
Smoking weakens the body’s immune system, making it harder to battle gum infection. A smoker has twice the risk for gum disease compared to a nonsmoker.
Understanding triggers and knowing how to handle them when they arise are two essential pieces of a successful quit plan. This Monday, learn how to identify (and conquer) your triggers with some simple techniques and practices that are easy to apply to your day-to-day rou...
What keeps smokers hooked? A big part of the answer is nicotine. Learn how this addictive chemical affects your mind and body, and use this knowledge to fuel your Quit Monday.
An affirmation is positive messaging that you can repeat to yourself during times of internal crisis. Repeat these mini mantras to yourself to help react and manage cravings when they inevitably strike.
Good preparation is key when you quit smoking. An often overlooked form of prep is to dispose of all physical reminders of smoking, including your cigarettes, matches, ashtrays, and lighters.

Stay on Top of Your Quit with Our New Check-In Tool

With the Quit & Stay Quit Monday Check-in Tool, you can “check-in” every Monday to get useful tips and practices to help you regardless of where you are in your quit process. Building motivation? Feeling triggered? In need of a support buddy? We have resources for you.

Success Stories

To reach its Native American and Spanish-speaking residents, the Pima County Health Department tasked Quit and Stay Quit Monday to provide 12-weeks of specialized smoking cessation materials.
The "Quit Now West Virginia" campaign applied the Quit & Stay Quit Monday concept, and designed a multi-pronged approach modeled after prior state-wide QSQM campaigns, like Virginia Department of Health’s program.
The partnership between QSQM and CEASE is an important one because it shows how wellness programs can be enhanced and embellished through the adoption of the Monday Refresh or weekly cue to recommit to your goal.

Start a Quit & Stay Quit Monday Program

Find the resources you need to start a Quit & Stay Quit Monday tobacco cessation program in your community.