Organizations can design their own program from our library of free materials or use turnkey program guides developed with our partners. See samples below from each campaign, and click on each resource link to get more material.
Healthy Monday Materials
Get into a Healthy Monday habit with our downloadable packages and our detailed program guides.
Healthy Monday's Game for Health series is a fun way to reach your wellness goals. Each week, learn a new skill related to either physical activity, stress management or healthy eating.
The New Year’s Refresh package is a 5-week series that uses the Healthy Monday Refresh to introduce a selection of recognized wellness concepts that can be used by individuals (and organizations) to help reach their health goals.
The Healthy Monday Workplace Wellness package is a 14-week series designed to offer users a unique practice every Monday to help them stay healthy during the workday.
The Healthy Monday Sleep Well package is a 10-week series designed to provide users with all the information, expert-recommended practices, and techniques necessary to improve the quality of their sleep.
The Healthy Monday Urgent Self-Care package is designed to help you carve out those much-needed moments of calm throughout the day.
Making Sense of Self-Care is a 5-week series dedicated to different integrative health techniques that utilize each one of the five senses.
The Healthy Monday Immunity Package is a 9-week series designed to help individuals engage in behaviors beneficial to maintaining a healthy immune system.
The Move It Monday Walk Your Way to Better Health package is designed to help you start and maintain a walking routine, one Monday at a time.
The Mindful Monday package is designed to teach users how to carve out moments of mindfulness throughout the week.
The Healthy Monday Community Health Package is a 6-week series designed to help users of all ages and ability levels engage in healthy behaviors as a group.
The Healthy Monday Healthy Aging Package is a 12-week series designed to help address the natural changes that come with age.
The Healthy Monday for the Family Package provides simple and effective family-friendly practices that focus on physical activity, stress-relief, and healthy eating.
Refresh Every Monday with Our Check-Up Tool
Our interactive Healthy Monday Refresh Check-Up Tool is designed to help you assess how you’re feeling every Monday and see options for actions you can take to move toward you wellness goals.
Chronic Disease Prevention Packages
Find out how starting your week with Healthy Monday habits can help prevent chronic diseases with our packages developed in collaboration with public health experts.
Our cancer prevention toolkit includes a series of practices developed for the American Institute for Cancer Research’s Healthy10 Challenge to help people learn about simple ways to reduce their cancer risk through exercise and healthy eating.
Our diabetes prevention program has a variety of resources designed to help people at risk for type 2 diabetes manage or prevent the disease through a combination of healthy eating, exercise, and stress management.
Our heart health program applies the Monday Refresh to healthy behaviors such as moving more, stressing less, eating well, and quitting smoking, that have been identified by experts as reducing the risk of heart disease.
Meatless Monday
We offer implementation guides, original research, plant-based recipes, videos, posters, social media assets, original graphics, and more resources to implement and promote a Meatless Monday program. See samples below and click the button to access more.
Hospitals are particularly well positioned to leverage Meatless Monday and promote new healthy eating habits by offering delicious plant-based dishes to patients, staff, and visitors.
This 8-week series contains all the foundational information you need to successfully begin practicing Meatless Monday.
The Meatless Monday Bean Resource Center is designed to provide you with all the facts, tips, and recipes you need to bring the best out of your beans.
DeStress Monday
We offer original research, social media assets, weekly practices, and more resources to implement and promote a DeStress Monday program. See samples below and click the button to access more.
Our Deep Breathing Package is designed to introduce users to the basic breathing techniques, as well as highlight the emotional and physical benefits of deep breathing.
Through a series of practices created with Johns Hopkins University, the DeStress Monday at School Program helps teachers—and their students—start every week with a new tool for managing stress.
Our DeStress in a Minute Package is designed to show users how they can use a variety of techniques, including deep breathing, mindful meditations, and calming visualizations to quickly relax, focus, and feel better.
Move It Monday
We offer implementation guides, original research, social media assets, toolkits, and more resources to implement and promote a Move It Monday program. See samples below and click the button to access more.
The Move It Monday Find the Time Fit in Fitness package is designed to provide you with ways to stay physically active throughout the week, even when you’re not working out.
A weekly walking routine can help you stay healthy and put you on the path to reaching your fitness and exercise goals. Download our 12-week walking package and start taking the steps toward a healthier you.
The Move It Monday Family Fitness Package is a 7-week series designed to help families stay active together with games, nature walks, fitness challenges, stretching sessions, and family yoga.
Quit & Stay Quit Monday
We offer implementation guides, our Monday Quit Kit, original research, social media assets, creative graphics, weekly practices, and more resources to implement and promote a Quit & Stay Quit Monday program. See samples below and click the button to access more.
Making Monday the Time to Quit
Quit Monday Program Enhancement Guide
Staying Strong, Staying Quit
Kids Cook Monday
We offer implementation guides, original research, social media assets, creative graphics, recipes, digital cookbooks, printable hand-outs, and more resources to implement and promote The Kids Cook Monday program. See samples below and click the button to access more.