Stay Quit All Year Long Using the Monday Cue

Every Monday is a new chance to quit.

Making a New Year’s resolution to quit smoking is a step in the right direction, but it’s not the final step. To maintain a successful quit, a person may have to renew his or her commitment many times throughout the year. And it’s important to remember that getting off track for a day or a week or a month doesn’t mean failure. In reality, the art of quitting takes a lot of practice, so every “stumble” should actually be considered forward progress toward your ultimate goals.

With Quit & Stay Quit Monday, you have 52 opportunities throughout the year to recommit to your quit. By using our new Quit & Stay Quit Monday Check-In Tool, you can “check-in” every Monday to get useful tips and practices to help you regardless of where you are in your quit process. Building motivation? Feeling triggered? In need of a support buddy? We have resources for you.

Simply click a box to indicate how you’re feeling this week and hit the “check-in button” below. You’ll be provided with different suggested activities to help you address your specific quit-related challenges or successes!  Experiencing multiple feelings? Check two boxes and you’ll receive multiple articles.

For additional support, we have a library full of practical tips and a weekly newsletter that  use a weekly Monday cue to help you stay committed to your quit. Dr. Joanna Cohen, PhD, Director of Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Global Tobacco Control, says, “Studies show that Mondays are a natural opportunity to engage smokers and reduce their likelihood of relapse. It’s the January of the week, the day that smokers are looking for help.”


How Quit & Stay Quit Monday Can Help

Quit & Stay Quit Monday supports individual quitters and tobacco cessation professionals in leveraging the Monday Approach. The campaign offers weekly tips and tools for quitters and a free program enhancement guide for organizations with step-by-step instructions on incorporating the Monday Approach into their cessation program.  The Monday Campaigns and Johns Hopkins also offer technical assistance to organizations wanting to implement and evaluate the program.

Stay on Top of Your Quit with Our Check-In Tool

With the Quit & Stay Quit Monday Check-in Tool, you can “check-in” every Monday to get useful tips and practices to help you regardless of where you are in your quit process. Building motivation? Feeling triggered? In need of a support buddy? We have resources for you.