DeStress on Monday to Stay Calm and Positive All Week

We have weekly practices in breathing, mindfulness and positivity to refresh your mind on Monday and help you manage stress all week.

Weekly Practices

Mindful walking is a great way for busy people to incorporate a meditation practice into their weekly routine – it just requires bringing a different quality of attention to something you’re already doing.
Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a holistic healing technique that is used to remedy a range of issues including pain, addiction, and weight management.
Need to address your stress? Use Monday to find your happy place. This simple and gratifying exercise may aid in reframing your state of mind.
This quick, mindful exercise helps float away stressful feelings – just by imagining a beautiful red balloon.
Research shows that it only takes one good deed to change a person’s afternoon, day, week, month, or lifetime. A kind action reverberates beyond your immediate social circle and can impact the lives of people you may never even meet.
This Monday, practice loving kindness to extend good will to yourself and others. Send positive thoughts of love, kindness, and goodwill to everyone around you, including yourself. It spreads positivity and you’ll feel more connected to others.
If you’re feeling a little low energy or having trouble focusing, try this easy one-minute controlled breathing exercise you can do anywhere and anytime.
Start this week with a fresh beginning. This exercise serves a dual purpose: It helps clear your mind of worries, stress and unhappiness. And it creates a clean slate for you to refresh your healthy intentions.

Calm the Mind, Calm the Class with the DeStress Monday at School Program

Start the school year right with our DeStress Monday at School program! Join the thousands of teachers around the world who've used our free 10-week email series to introduce stress management practices into their personal routine and their classroom.

Success Stories

To address the unique challenges facing the medical community, Healthy Monday partnered with the Columbia University Irving Medical Center to develop a wellness program designed specifically for healthcare workers.
Teachers deserve to have tools that can reduce their stress at their disposal. The DSMAS program is a simple, turnkey option that takes only a few minutes every week to start off with a more mindful, focused approach.
From gratitude journaling to mindfulness to deep breathing, DeStress for Success offers solutions to common college-life problems and challenges.
Nurses Meditating

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