Start Monday with a Glass of Water!

One thing to do before, during, and after a workout is hydrate. This Monday, keep in mind it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated, even if you don’t break a sweat. The best choice is always water!

Of its many benefits, water helps the heart pump blood, promotes digestion, prevents fatigue, and improves joint health. It’s a great way to stay hydrated and cool during your workouts. You can also blend it with lemon or lime juice to give it a natural citrus boost.

How much water should you drink? It’s a good question. Highly active people lose more water due to perspiration and weather conditions. Less active people who are healthy may not need to drink as much. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to have a drink of water, signs of thirst could mean you’re already dehydrated. The easiest way to check for dehydration is to pay attention to the color of your urine: Pale and clear means you’re well hydrated, if it’s dark, you need more.

Take a moment this Monday to fill a glass and take a long, cool sip! It will perk you up and re-energize you because it’s refreshing. Continue the habit of drinking water throughout the week so you’ll be hydrated for your next work out or Monday Mile.