How to Get Family and Friends Involved in Meatless Monday

Team #MeatlessMonday is way more fun. Pro tip: Getting friends and family involved in going Meatless Monday makes it easier.

Doing Meatless Monday on your own can be rewarding, delicious, and even life changing, but having the support of friends and family can make the process even easier and more enjoyable.

So what’s the best way to inspire your social network to join you on your healthy eating journey?

Thanks to technology you can quickly create a cohort of plant-based eaters through a combination of online and in-person resources and events. Whether it’s a text group, plant-based potluck, or recipe swap, there are tons of ways to encourage family and friends to participate in Meatless Monday with you. Even the passive family/friend participant can subscribe to the Meatless Monday Newsletter or Meatless Monday Challenge with just a few clicks.

Remember, there’s strength in numbers. Connecting with a group and aiming for similar goals can be extremely motivating. It can also be a lot of fun. You’ll be able to share all the tips, struggles, and insights that come with a new habit. So reach out to your inner circle and use the methods below to get your family and friends involved with Meatless Monday.


Find a Meatless Monday Buddy

Finding a friend or family member to participate in Meatless Monday will help keep you both motivated. By swapping information, recipes, and cooking tips, you’ll get more out of your plant-based meals. A Meatless Monday buddy will also hold you accountable and committed to your new healthy habit. Together, you can learn all the benefits of plant-based eating and share them with others.


Share Plant-Based Recipes

Sharing is caring. Swapping recipes is the best way to get exposed to the limitless plant-based meal options. By exchanging recipes with a buddy, you’ll learn about new ingredients and cooking techniques that will inspire you to create your own meatless masterpieces. Check out our top-rated recipes of all time or casually browse our complete Meatless Monday recipe portfolio.


Have a Plant-Based Dinner or Lunch Date

Want to stay committed to Meatless Monday but don’t really feel like cooking? That’s what restaurants are for! Do a little research (or use our list) to find local restaurants or national chains that offer good plant-based options. The restaurant itself doesn’t have to be completely vegan, just make sure they’ve got some tasty meatless meals on the menu.


Create a Meatless Monday Text Group

For better or worse, one of the best ways to stay in touch is through a text group. These are great channels of communication, allowing you to quickly swap recipes, articles, and any other cool healthy eating hacks.


Organize a Meatless Monday Eating Event

Whether you’re organizing a picnic, pot-luck, or dinner party, any group gathering is a great way to get your network to try cooking and eating different plant-based foods. When everyone brings a dish there’s a heightened sense of comradery that’s important when starting off with plant-based meals. It’s also an excuse to whip up that pie, layer cake, or giant crock of chili you’ve been waiting to make, but could never justify cooking for only yourself.


Get the Kids in the Kitchen

When children participate in the preparation and assembly of a dish, they’re more likely to try it—and like it! So buy a tiny apron and get those kids into the kitchen. Meatless Monday offers tons of kid-friendly recipes designed specifically for youthful pallets and developing motor skills.


Make Big Batch Meals

How do you get everyone in your household to try Meatless Monday? Easy, feed the whole family with one of these Meatless Monday big-batch recipes. Pesto pasta, meat-free jambalaya, Thai pumpkin curry, and vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie are all terrific options that even the pickiest of eaters will appreciate. And the best part is you’ll likely have some leftovers for lunch the next day.


Subscribe to the Meatless Monday Newsletter

Apologies in advance for the self-promotional plug, but subscribing to the Meatless Monday newsletter is a quick way to expose yourself to tons of useful information about plant-based eating. The newsletter features recipes, as well as weekly content addressing a different component of meatless eating, ranging from the best plant-based proteins to essential pantry staples to ways you can save money at the supermarket.


Click here for more Meatless Monday recipes. When posting pictures of recipes to your social media network, tag @MeatlessMonday use #MeatlessMonday to show the plant-based community your creation.