Body Prep

Staying physically active is one of the best things you can do for your overall health, which is why starting or returning to a normal exercise routine is such an exciting time. But in order to work out safely and effectively, you must prepare your body, mind, and muscles.

Thankfully, preparing for physical activity is pretty simple, especially when you use the 7-week, Move It Monday Body Preparation Package. Every Monday, bring awareness to your diet and hydration and learn to stretch, warm up, and cool down to reduce your risk of injury and get the most out of your workout.

Download the Body Prep Package

Body Prep

Download our 7-week body prep package to avoid injury and get the most out of your exercise.

Get Prepped this Move It Monday

By putting in a little time beforehand, you’ll reduce your risk of injury and get the most out of your workout. This Monday, learn all you need to know about readying your body and mind for exercise.
What you eat before and after you exercise is almost as important as the workout itself. Food gives you the energy necessary to be active and focused, and it also provides the nutrients required to build muscle and bone strength, as well as help the body recover post work...
One thing to do before, during, and after a workout is hydrate. This Monday, keep in mind it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated, even if you don’t break a sweat. The best choice is always water!
Moderate aerobic exercise increases the amount of slow wave sleep (also referred to as deep sleep) you get each night.
Being more flexible means lower risk of injury, improved posture, and better body control. Get started with these easy-to-execute movements for better flexibility.
Warming up and cooling down are two important components of every fitness routine—here's how can you use them to improve the quality of your workout.
You’re probably thinking: Is foam rolling right for me? The answer is, yes! Foam rolling helps untangle and separate these fibers, which effectively re-establishes the integrity of the connective tissue. Try it prior to or after workouts.