Fuel Your Workouts with Positive Words of Affirmation

Move It Positive Affirmations

There’s a secret to staying active week after week, and it doesn’t come in a powder or a bottle. It’s actually all in your mind. For real.

Positive affirmations can help motivate you to pursue new healthy habits and overcome existing challenges by replacing that little negative voice in the back of your head with words of encouragement. Think of a positive affirmation as a mini, personal pep talk that you repeat to yourself in order to stay focused, driven, and inspired. These short phrases can be especially useful when attempting to recommit to an exercise routine or advance your level of fitness.

So how do you use positive affirmations to stay motivated? Although there is no set number of repetitions, saying your affirmation 20 times, 3 times a day is a good place to start. Other recommendations include repeating your affirmation for 5 minutes a few times throughout the course of the day. If you find it’s too much or too little, you can adjust to fit your own preferences.

We’ve assembled a collection of positive affirmations and inspirational words that will give you the clarity, belief, and ambition needed to tackle any obstacle and reach your fitness goals. Read the words below, and use this Move It Monday to harness the power of good thoughts.


For motivation

“As I exercise my body, my body will repay me with extra years of good health.”

“I am becoming closer to my true self every day. Every inch of physical progress brings me closer to that goal.”

“I am fit and healthy and I radiate happiness and love.”

For self-awareness

“My mission is to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself, I won’t allow myself to miss this opportunity to be physically active. I am doing this for me.”