Find the Time to Fit in Fitness

Being physically active is one of the most important actions a person can take to improve their health. Evidence shows that physical activity is associated with a range of immediate and long-term benefits, including better sleep and mood, healthier weight, and lower risk of chronic disease.

But it isn’t always easy making time to exercise. Between work, school, errands, and family, it can be difficult to find opportunities to get in a workout. Thankfully, you don’t need a consistent fitness routine or dedicated gym time to meet your weekly physical activity goals.

The Move It Monday Find the Time Fit in Fitness package is designed to provide you with ways to stay physically active throughout the week, even when you’re not working out. The 12-week series includes creative exercises, stretches, and low-intensity movements that you can do in a variety of settings: from chair yoga and lunchbreak workouts to habit stacking and kid-friendly exercises. This Monday, see how simple it is to fit some fitness into your daily routine.

Download the Find the Time to Fit in Fitness Package

Find the Time to Fit in Fitness

Our 12-week Fit in Fitness package makes it easy to stay physically active even when you’re not working out.

Start Fitting in Fitness

You may not even realize it, but many day-to-day tasks—walking through the neighborhood dog, climbing the stairs, putting away groceries, carrying a toddler—all qualify as sources of physical activity.
You don’t need a treadmill, weights or a squat rack to build muscle at home; with a little creativity, you can fashion a number of household items into fitness gear.
Move It Habit Stacking Featured
Adding a new behavior to your daily schedule by “stacking it” on top of an existing habit can help you incorporate a surprising amount of extra physical activity into your routine without even realizing it!
Yoga is relaxing. Plus, it helps stave off stress and anxiety, builds strength, improves cardiovascular health, and curbs low-back pain. Start your week moving with some yoga on Monday.
Did you know several of the activities you do every day might actually burn as many calories as a light workout? It doesn’t take much movement to get the benefits of exercise. Start where you are! Turn mundane activities into Move It Monday opportunities, from chores to e...
You don’t have to do your 30 minutes of daily physical activity all in one shot. Find creative ways to incorporate more walking into your normal routine.
Walking up and down stairs is an activity not normally viewed as an exercise in the traditional sense. It is, however, an excellent way to squeeze exercise into a busy schedule.
This Monday, we’re encouraging you to move it with your kids. But where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with five simple physical activities that parents and kids can do together.
You don’t need a gym to fit in a workout; you’ve got all the equipment you need right in your home kitchen. Even a brief kitchen workout can help you maintain a consistent fitness regimen that you can later expand upon.
Bodyweight exercises, also known as calisthenics, are beneficial to people of all ages and ability levels. They're effective, convenient, and will save you time and money.
Do you experience the weekday afternoon slump? Try adding a mid-day workout! Using your lunch hour to get some physical activity may have positive effects on the way you work during the day.
Move It Pushup Feature
Executing the standard push-up requires a certain amount of base strength and flexibility, but there are numerous variations available to individuals of all ages and fitness levels.