Slipped Up? This Monday, Don’t Give Up!

Slipped Up? This Monday, Don’t Give Up!

You’ve embarked on the brave journey to quit smoking. A relapse is not the time to be hard on yourself. It’s the opposite! Use Monday to recommit by upping your personal care instead.

Slipping up is normal and it can take several attempts to quit before you’ve quit for good. Bolster your self-care with four suggestions to stay in it for the long haul.

  1. Think Positive. Being optimistic means you look for the good in problems or difficulties that arise. Did you experience a trigger or craving that you didn’t plan for? Instead of feeling poorly, you may simply need to review or revise your quit strategies. Yes, it could be that easy!
  1. Get some extra support. When you quit and want to stay quit, you need all the support you can get. Extra support means finding people at every stage of quit: before quitting, after quitting, and if slips-ups happen. Find the right people, whether it’s family, friends, a quit buddy, or a health professional to help you along the way.
  1. Walk it off. Adding exercise to your daily routine can be a great way to alleviate triggers and cravings, or calm yourself down after a slip-up. A Monday Mile is a mile-long walk that’s an easy yet gratifying challenge for all fitness levels. It only takes 2,000 steps and less than 20 minutes.
  1. List your motivations to quit. Remind yourself why you started this journey! If you have a motivation list, take it out and look it over as a reminder of why you quit and to inspire your re-commitment. If you don’t have a motivation list, take some time on Monday to create one!

Small efforts will lead to huge results.  Your quit journey requires determination and patience with yourself, every day. Reach out to us, we want to hear from you. Let us know your relapse stories and how you recommitted to quit. You can find us on FacebookTwitterPinterest, or Instagram.