Strengthen the Mind-Body Connection

Physical activity is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but regular movement—whether it’s dance, running, tennis, or yoga—is also essential to maintaining a positive mindset. Through the alignment of the brain, the body, and the soul, a person can better regulate his or her mood, reduce stress levels, and improve brain function.

The DeStress Monday Strengthen the Mind-Body Connection Package is a 13-week series designed to show users how they can use physical activity to stimulate positivity and improve their mental wellbeing. Low-impact movements can be therapeutic and calming, as well as beneficial to your overall health. This Monday, explore how you can move your body to satisfy your soul.

Strengthen the Mind-Body Connection

Download our 13-week mind-body package and discover ways to mix movement and stress relief into your daily routine.

Get Moving

Physical activity is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but regular movement—whether it’s dance, running, tennis, or yoga—can also have an immediate impact on your mental health and wellbeing.
Self-massage has been touted by health and wellness experts as a soothing way to work out tension in your body. With a gentle touch, knowing the basics can melt away stress.
If you need to destress from work, school, or just life in general, take a walk. Mindful walking can reduce your chances of problems with blood pressure, obesity, depression and heart disease long term.
Progressive muscle relaxation is a method used for stress reduction that asks you to focus on specific muscle groups, tense them up, and then relax them. If you’re stressed this Monday, tense up – and then let go!
Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a holistic healing technique that is used to remedy a range of issues including pain, addiction, and weight management.
Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art that has been practiced for millennia, is renowned for its meditative nature and ability to reduce stress while promoting strength, flexibility, and balance. This Monday, consider introducing yourself to Tai Chi for a stress-free week ahead!
Tai Chi is for all fitness levels. Here are two easy beginner poses you can try for five minutes to get a feel for it. Join the movements with your breath to feel calmer, more collected, and centered.
Monday is an opportunity to start fresh and introduce new healthy behaviors in your life. Use this Monday to explore the ancient world of yoga and discover why it continues to be a celebrated and popular exercise, meditation, and art.
When you wake up, don’t reach for your phone! Start your day with some self-care sunshine instead. This simple bed yoga routine will help you stretch into a stress-free Monday. Easy and relaxing, bed yoga is a gentle way to start the week.
Start your day with the sun salutation yoga routine to welcome the new week and refresh your mind and body!
If you need to reduce stress at your desk, look no further than a good stretch! Doing a few simple yoga moves can help relieve that tension – and you can do it while seated in a chair. This Monday, spend a few moments stretching your muscles and letting stress go!
If you’re seeking to specifically improve your strength, focus, and determination, try warrior pose. This popular yoga progression and its variations will re-energize and rejuvenate you, helping to alleviate stress.
Deep inhale, big exhale, stretch, and relax! Try some family yoga on Monday. It will give your kids a new channel for their energy, reduce stress, and bring everyone a little lasting peace.