Healthy Monday for Workplace Wellness

Finding ways to fit in healthy behaviors while working is essential when trying to reach or maintain wellness goals — even if the workplace is a bedroom or home office.

The Healthy Monday Workplace Wellness program is a 14-week series designed to offer users a unique practice every Monday to help them stay healthy during the workday. Individuals or employers can promote regular physical activity, better sleep, healthy eating, and moments of meditation by using this material for themselves or distributing it to their teams.

Download Our Workplace Wellness Resources

Healthy Monday Workplace Wellness

Download all 14 social media graphics and GIFs included in our workplace wellness series for use in your own communications.

Start Your Healthy Monday Journey

DeStress SMART Feature
The Healthy Monday SMART approach to goal setting is designed to help establish goals that are attainable and quantifiable, and therefore more achievable. 
Rejuvenate this Monday with fresh techniques and strategies to get better, deeper sleep. A healthy sleep plan on Sunday can set you up to start the week recharged and feeling optimistic.
Move It Habit Stacking Featured
Adding a new behavior to your daily schedule by “stacking it” on top of an existing habit can help you incorporate a surprising amount of extra physical activity into your routine without even realizing it!

Eating more fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains can help you stay healthy and live longer. And people who start their week with Meatless Monday tend to eat healthier all week long.

Deep breathing exercises are a great way to reduce stress - concentrate and breathe deeply for a minute with our square breathing GIF.

There are a many times throughout the day when you can squeeze in a walk without disrupting your schedule. This Monday, find a few minutes to move your body enough to make a difference. Think of it as “walking around the clock.”

Mindfulness practices are great tools for stress management, but when and where are you supposed to do them? Try fitting mindfulness into your schedule with these simple suggestions.
Move It Ergo Feature
Working from a desk doesn’t have to be a pain. There are movements and mini-workouts you can do throughout the day to spare your spine, lower back, and posture.
Change your focus to recall the positive this Monday for unexpected results. Savoring and focusing your thoughts on positive events is a way to shift to the positive and deflect stress.
Discover the best plant-based options at popular national chain restaurants.
Yoga is relaxing. Plus, it helps stave off stress and anxiety, builds strength, improves cardiovascular health, and curbs low-back pain. Start your week moving with some yoga on Monday.
The goal of the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique is to use the five senses to focus on the moment and avoid multiple anxious thoughts.
You don’t have to do your 30 minutes of daily physical activity all in one shot. Find creative ways to incorporate more walking into your normal routine.
Nearly every culture around the world has developed their own unique forms of stress management, but with so many different methods and approaches available, how do you know which one is right for you?